FREE Forever
I frequently encounter people online who have read a book or two on Bible prophecy, and believe they now KNOW ALL THERE IS TO KNOW about the subject, and try to shoot down anyone with a different opinion. The lack of good sense and understanding is astounding.
A previous book I published on Bible prophecy was selling 1-2 copies a day, without any reviews; then a guy who had not purchased or read the book, left a 1-star review that said, “The author presents a false view of the end times that isn’t supported by scripture.” This killed all sales for the book. It shows how important book reviews are, yet, few people will bother to leave one. Therefore, I WILL NOT PUBLISH this book on Amazon until I receive a good number of positive reviews emailed directly to me at: thunderpressreviews @ G mail .com.
The PDF will be FREE forever, and if you want a print copy you can buy one directly from my printer through a link on my website:
Just send an email to FREE PDF, trumpetpress77 AT g mail.