Dream: Earthquake Takes out The Golden Gate Bride

Michael Boldea Jr. is the grandson of the late Dumitru Duduman and runs the ministry’s orphanage in Romania:

I dreamt I was in a hotel room, asleep, when the bed began to shake violently. I knew what was happening right away. Having lived in California in the 1980’s I was keenly aware of what an earthquake felt like. Suddenly I was no longer in bed, but high above San Francisco bay, looking down on the Golden Gate Bridge. As I watched it, it began to shudder, break apart, and fall into the waters below. I continued to watch the devastation, seeing buildings collapse, and masses of people trying to find shelter. Then a voice spoke out of the heavens, a voice I had never heard before, a voice of great authority.

“I will shake this land from its foundations, such as the eyes of this generation has not seen. The world will stand in awe, and tremble in fear, as even the very geography of this nation will be transformed. My wrath is ready to be poured out, for sin has overrun My temple.” (Feb. 3, 2006) (www. handof help.com /vision_ 54.php)

Two of his friends had this same dream, and all three on the same night, as confirmation of the importance of the dream. I place this earthquake as taking place at the 7th Trumpet of Revelation 11:13:

At that same hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell. Seven thousand men were killed in the earthquake, and the remnant were frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven.

I believe the huge California super-quake will happen when the Two Witnesses rise to heaven, AKA, the rapture.