B1 Introduction 2024

This is a new interpretation of Bible prophecy. No one else has ever taught anything as highly advanced as what is found here. So unless you are willing to learn a different view of the end times than what you have previously understood, then this book is not for you.

My first book on Bible prophecy came out in 2013 and eventually reached number four in the Christian Prophecy category on Amazon, but was still largely unknown. However, I continued to make more discoveries, and every few years I issued updated editions under different titles, as I gained more insight and pieced the puzzle together better. This 2024 book has many important updates and revisions over all previous editions.

How could there be a viable new interpretation, you ask? The Bible says that the correct interpretation will not be understood until we actually reach the end; “these words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end” (Daniel 12:9) (MEV), yet the dominant views today are at least 150 years old. Most of the existing belief systems for the last days have a few correct elements, but the complete picture they each present is inaccurate.

One of the reasons that the correct interpretation of Bible prophecy could not be known before the end times, is because of the vast amount of information that was needed to piece together the puzzle. Some parts of this interpretation could not have been seen or understood before the invention of the internet, because I was able to find reference material that cannot be found in the largest research libraries in the world.

I have not tried to support a particular theological position, but I have merely studied the Scriptures to find out what they mean and have changed my views to match what I found in the Bible. I began my study believing in the pre-tribulation rapture, but changed it to pre-wrath after years of study, only to later change it again.

One of the most important discoveries in this 2024 book, is that all three major rapture positions are partly true! Yes, it is ironic, there are in fact three raptures. There is no Scripture twisting here, because there are three different groups of people seen in heaven in Revelation, and the evidence indicates they arrived there separately; thus three different raptures. Apostle Paul did not know about three raptures; they are only seen in Revelation. Paul only speaks of is the final rapture, at the appearing of Christ at the end of the Great Tribulation (GT).

Like most people, I once believed that there is only one rapture, but I had difficulty fitting all the verses together; so eventually, I concluded that there are two raptures, a view I held until the summer of 2024, when I realized that there are three different groups of people seen around the throne in the book of Revelation, and the context tells us there must be three different raptures. I have also found supporting scriptures elsewhere. So I now have no doubt that here are three raptures. Just wait until you read the evidence.

The first can be considered pre-trib, the second pre-wrath, and the third post-trib. So, now I understand why God has caused so many intelligent and educated people to hold mainly, these three different views, because they are all mostly correct. I say mostly, because, even though there is a pre-trib rapture, it does not lineup with the existing doctrine. In other words, the verses of Scripture that are used to support a pre-trib rapture, are being wrongly understood; yet, a pre-trib rapture does exist.

In previous editions of this book, I stated that the puzzle was “mostly complete.” I can now say it is 99.9% complete. The end-time picture seen in this book is far more accurate than any other teaching on the subject. What does the puzzle look like once you put all the pieces together? It will come as a shock to most people, but the infamous Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have already ridden during the past 2,000 years of wars, famines, and persecution. But I don’t just make that claim or assumption; I found evidence in the text and world history that shows it.

And the Great Tribulation is not 7-years long. Nowhere in the Bible does it say anything about a 7-year peace treaty with Israel. Daniel’s 70th week does NOT refer to the Antichrist. That passage is being grossly misinterpreted. The original Protestant view of that verse is correct for the first half of the 70th week; which refers to the 3.5-year ministry of Jesus. Only the last half remains. There is also no 7-year period mentioned in the book of Revelation.

However, the GT Jesus mentioned in Mat. 24 only encompasses the 7 Bowls of Wrath found in Revelation 16. The Time of Testing (TOT) comes before the Great Tribulation (GT), and will soon begin with the Trumpet judgments. The TOT is found in Rev. 3:10:

Because you have kept My word of patience, I also will keep you from the hour of temptation which shall come upon the entire world, to test those who dwell on the earth.

This verse refers to those who go in the first rapture, before the Time of Testing. Most translations say “the hour of trial.” NET says, “the hour of testing.” It contains the Trumpet events of Rev. 8 & 9, and though it contains much hardship, it is not the full Wrath of God.

There have been major increases in volcanic eruptions and earthquakes; increasing shortages of many manufactured goods and food, and growing economic, social, and political unrest. Now Russia has invaded Ukraine. This has the potential to grow into WW3; only time will tell. The same goes for the war in Israel. The war will likely help unite the Muslim world, and thus create the 10-nation Isl*mic beast.

The 10-horned beast of Rev. 13 is NOT the EU or UN, but is a revived Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was wounded in the 1800s but was given a fatal blow during World War 1. The nation of Turkey was formed from what was left of the Ottoman Empire. It will become the principle nation of this beast, when it comes to life again.

This 10-horned empire will rule all of the Middle East, and nearby regions, which is the “whole world” of the Bible. However, since we do not know all the details in advance, it is possible that one or more nations in Europe could be taken over by Isl*m from the inside and then join the 10-nation empire (only time will tell). Some things cannot be known in advance.

Nor is the beast the Brix nations. There are far too many details that point to the 10-horns being Isl*amic nations, not merely that God told me the beast is based in Isl*m, when I had not even asked him about it. As you will see, there is much evidence in Scripture and history pointing to an Isl*mic beast.

Isl*m is different from all the other religions that do not believe in Jesus, because Isl*m is the only religion that officially declares that Jesus is not the Son of God. This is the Biblical definition of antichrist.

You may believe that this book is like a few other books, such as Joel Richardson’s, The Islamic Antichrist, but my view is not like his, because he does NOT actually believe the Antichrist will be a Muslim, but only a Muslim until he claims to be God. Richardson believes that all Muslims will leave Isl*m to follow the new religion of the Antichrist. This is not really a Muslim antichrist, then, is it? No, but I present many pages of evidence that Isl*m will literally be the religion of the Antichrist, not merely his former religion.

It is likely that the first horn (nation) of the 10-horned beast of Revelation came to power in 2021 when the Taliban took over Afghanistan. Expect them to uproot three nations from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) that are just north of Afghanistan. The 10-horns on the fourth beast of Daniel 7 are not the same as the 10-horns of Revelation. Daniel’s 10 horns are the CIS.

My expository and analytical method of interpreting Bible prophecy reveals many surprising and important insights never before seen. Such as the meaning of the image of the beast that has nothing to do with computers or anything you have heard about before. Also found in this book is a detailed description of missiles and rockets; even the warhead that explodes is called a “head that kills.

In my previous books on this subject, I did not have the correct understanding of the 1,290 days, and 1,335 days of Daniel 12. As a result, it messed up my understanding and timing of the final events. But in 2023, I made discoveries about those time-periods. As it turns out, the 1,290 days point to the construction of the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque, and the 1,335 days point to Israel being set free from Ottoman rule.

I originally called my interpretation pre-wrath yet post-trib, but I now call it pre-Time of Testing, pre-wrath, and post-trib. Also, the details are different from all other teachings on pre-trib, pre-wrath, and post-trib. Only the rapture timing is similar. For example, the majority of pre-wrath teaching has the Antichrist arising in Europe and ruling the whole planet and bringing world peace, with a 7-year GT, just like the pre-trib.

I also prove that most of the Jews in Israel will convert before Christ returns. It is plainly stated in the Bible several times! This makes one wonder how the opposite view could become a popular doctrine, that Christ will return before they convert.

There can be a lot more information gleaned from the Bible’s prophecies than what is written here, but the main focus of this interpretation is what will actually take place in the future, which we need to know and fully understand because we are now living in the end years. That is why this interpretation is practical, not theological; though it greatly bears on doctrine, the information here is not presented or argued from a theological point of view.

But, you may ask, what about world government? There is no such thing; I prove that it’s a false belief many times over. Rev. 13 twice says that the beast will “make war.” Who does the Antichrist make war against if he rules the whole world? He wars against other nations, invading them just as all previous empires have.

Many people are now suspecting that KSchwab’s World Enslavement Forum (W-E-F) along with the World Homicide Organization (W-H-O) and the U-N, will bring in the long-anticipated world government; complete with electronic surveillance and mind control. They are certainly trying; that is their plan, but they will not take full control, because asteroid impacts and WW3 will stop that from happening. The W-E-F and related De*pSt*te groups are part of Babylon the Great that has its tentacles wrapped around the whole world, and even rides the beast (Rev. 17)! Therefore, they are not the beast. I explain this in The Fall of Babylon and the Final Antichrist.

In previous books, I limited the Mark of the Beast to the 10-horned empire. However, I now have a different understanding of it. There is a global system that is being developed, yet, each nation or empire will have its own version of that system that connects to the global system. Therefore, even though Revelation refers to the Mark of the 10-horned beast, I believe that any nation that uses that electronic control/tracking money system will be part of the same system.

As I stated in previous books, the closer we get to the end, the clearer the picture will become, so I may need to make minor updates in the future. Who could have seen that Afghanistan would become the first horn of the beast? Like the Apostle Paul said, we see through a glass darkly.

I believe the reader will get the most out of this book by reading it slowly and underlining many sentences, because it is very easy to misread critically important statements, or miss the statement entirely. So I do some underlining for you.

I have included a several extra-biblical prophecies, because they backup and confirm the interpretation given in this book, but that does not mean that I agree with all the prophecies or teachings of those who are quoted herein. Those prophecies provide important details about future events that could not be included in the book of Rev.

God said he will do nothing unless he tells his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). So he is giving many dreams and visions (Joel 2 & Acts 2) to ordinary Christians. The problem is, however, that many of them think they are experts at interpreting Bible prophecy. It is shocking how many just average guys do some research, then get on Youtube and start teaching it; with many thousands of fawning, gullible followers. Add to all of this, the blatantly false prophets who are multiplying, so this book is greatly needed.

Last but not least, I had suspected that Revelation could have been originally written in Hebrew, like Matthew was, but only recently came across English translations of those manuscripts. The experts tell us that they were NOT merely translated into Hebrew, but the evidence shows that Rev. was originally written in Hebrew. The Hebrew manuscripts have many small differences from the Greek, and I mention a few important ones.

There are several Hebrew manuscripts, and three English translations: The Scroll of Mysteries: Cochin Hebrew Revelation, by Janice F. Baca, translator and Biblical Hebrew Grammarian, 2024; The Hebrew Book of Revelation, by Miles R. Jones, 2024, that consulted all the existing MS; and, The Hebrew Revelation, James and Jude, by Justin J. Van Rensburg, which is also a translation of the Cochin Hebrew MS.