(The Fall of Babylon and The Final Antichrist: 2023, by Michael D. Fortner)
If you are looking for an analysis of Babylon the Great, to determine if it might be the United States of America, then this book is for you. There is actually PROOF that the USA is Babylon the Great!
Many people misinterpret Babylon the Great (BTG) harlot, prostitute, in Revelation 17 and 18. She has been interpreted as the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant Church, America, Jerusalem, Islam, Saudi Arabia, and who knows what else.
I will provide a mountain of evidence and explain in detail how America is political Babylon, which is the government of the United States of America (especially the DeepState); cultural Babylon, which is the polluted culture of America that is created by movies, TV, music, and education; and economic Babylon that is greedy capitalism (not all capitalism) which is headquartered in America. America is the premier capitalist nation in the world. If Babylon is also a city, then it is New York City.
An argument could be made that there is also a religious Babylon; but if so, then that has been well covered already: see the videos, Tares Among the Wheat, and A Lamp in the Dark on youtube.com and other sites.
Like my other books on Bible prophecy, there are a lot of new insights in this book that are not found in any other book on Babylon the Great and America. I will also discuss the Old Testament references to an end-time Babylon, which is not a rebuilt city in Iraq, but can only be the same as Mystery Babylon, the Great Harlot in Revelation.
And I will discuss how America was founded with a de facto covenant with God (“de facto” means being in effect, though not formally recognized). But America also is chosen by God because it was one of the nations that God promised to Abraham. Most Christians do not realize that God promised Abraham more than one nation! It is likely the main reason that America became the greatest and most powerful nation the world has ever seen.
We will discuss how America will be destroyed in nuclear war and be invaded. I also show how America will be split into three parts by a huge global earthquake (Rev. 16) after it betrays Israel. One split will be along the Mississippi River.
It is important to note that Babylon the Great (BTG) is not all of America, it is ONLY wicked America. God will destroy wicked America, but he will save the righteous who do not go in the Rapture; and those converted during the Great Trib. That said, many righteous will also die because they are living in wicked cities; or living in an area that will receive natural disasters. They have been warned, but did not move away; such as living on the coast where a tsunami is certain to hit. Or near the Mississippi River which is going to widen greatly after a huge earthquake that will split open the Great Lakes. The prophecies have been widely told for many years, but people are not moving. Many of those prophecies are included in this book.
One of the most difficult things I had to do in my years of research into Bible prophecy, was come to the realization that America is Babylon the Great (BTG). I did not want to believe it. I resisted because it means that America will receive great destruction during the Great Tribulation (GT) and WW3, including a nuclear war. But after years of study, the evidence forced me to that conclusion. I realized that most nations of the world will suffer great destruction to one degree or another, based on their sins. So why wouldn’t America suffer for its sins? You don’t have to dig far to learn about the evil that is in the USA, you can see it clearly being played out every day. The evil is no longer in the shadows, they are out in the open.
It was only in late 2022 that I first heard of the recently coined term, Globalist American Empire (GAE). I looked it up on the Urban Dictionary website, which gave this definition:
A term to describe the monolith entity of left-wing establishment media, government, tech, military and education.
This led me to the term, American Empire, also at Urban D.:
A long long time ago, on a continent far far away. . . The citizens of several small-subjugated colonies rose up against their powerful oppressors and set to work creating a new nation founded on freedom, respect, and justice for all. Even the little man.
Contained for years, an evil faction has [now] taken control of this once respectable democracy by a number of despicable ways: using misleading language to sway voters, aligning itself unfairly with the nations largest religion, taking control of the most powerful business[es], and declaring itself the one moral party.
The Wrong-Wings have taken control of the country. With the virtuous beliefs of smaller independent groups ignored and the governments former care-giving party crushed by lack of strong leadership. The powerful Wrong-Wings have begun dismantling the former democracy and rebuilding the nation to suit their selfish, unilateral desires. Rather than promoting the general welfare the country now an Empire to be reckoned with provides only for those in power. While ignoring it’s other citizens, even the ones foolish enough to initially follow [vote for] the Wrong-Wings. . . .
The “wrong-wings” refers to members of both parties (it is not a left or right-wing thing), who are corrupt and do great evil. Though, in recent years I would say that there are far more Democrats who are evil than Republicans.
This Evil Empire, now called the DeepState (DS), not only controls the USA, but pushes itself onto many other nations; threatening them, “Do as we say, or you will get no aid-money; or worse, have a revolution!” And now it has aligned itself with the Global DeepState; and thus, is actually a major part of it.
In the first edition I had all 7 Bowls of Wrath taking only 2 weeks to complete, but that was a mistake; I now realize that they must take many months, and likely years to complete. Like Apostle Paul said, we see through a glass darkly, and the closer we get to the fulfillment of the Trumpets and Bowls, the clearer things will get. The farther into the Great Tribulation we get, the clearer the picture will become. Therefore, I may need to make more changes in the future. In 2015, I did not know the cause of the coming civil war (split), but we can all now see from where it is coming, as we are now in it. Yes, we are in the GT; I believe 2020 was the first year of the GT.
First, here is my general overview of end-time prophecy, which is given in detail in the other books of this series: I previously called my interpretation Pre-Wrath, yet Post-Trib, but now my interpretation can be classified as Mid-Trib and Pre-Wrath. So the first Rapture is after the mid point of the GT. However, the GT is not 7 years; it is likely 10 years (see Book 1 for details).
During the past 10 years, I saw such a great decline in America that I can now easily see, not only how America will be destroyed, but also why it must suffer great destruction.
However, America will NOT be destroyed before the start of the GT, which is so often claimed. The USA will first be wounded by an east coast tsunami, then will be nuked and invaded after the beast of Revelation comes to power. The nuclear war and invasion of America is done by the beast (a Revived Islamic Empire) and its allies (Russia and China and North Korea) as they attempt to totally destroy America, and some of them also want to destroy Christianity. They will occupy part of the USA for 1-3 years, then Christ returns with massive asteroid impacts to save the world by destroying the invaders.
If you do not believe in dreams and visions, then you will not like this book because I include dreams and visions from George Washington to present-day prophets; about America and its future destruction. Some of the prophecies say that America will have another civil war; I believe we are in it now, which began with the attempt to take down a duly elected President by any means possible. And has progressed into calls for the destruction of Capitalism and democracy by mobs of Marxist/Communist anarchists called Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM).
This book also includes a discussion of Gog and Magog of Ezekiel 38, which gives us details for two wars, not just one. One will be an invasion of Israel; the other will be an invasion of America.
With everything that is happening in the Middle East, some readers may wonder how it is that Russia could join with a Revived Ottoman Empire during WW3; currently, Turkey is allied with America, but lots of evidence shows that it has made many deals with Russia, and is turning toward radical Islam (Book 1). Turkey will eventually revive its lost Ottoman Empire. And because of global economic issues, Russia could return to socialism; though I doubt it will include atheism, as the Russian Orthodox Church has grown greatly, especially within the Russian military.
If you liked the other books in this series, you will like this one. If you did not like the others, you will not like this one. You will get the most out of this book if you have already read Book 1. I occasionally give brief information relating to subjects found in the other books when it is necessary to understand what I am discussing.
The order of end-time events is also revealed to be very different from what anyone else is teaching today. In the appendix I discuss the misinterpretation of Walid Shoebat and Joel Richardson, showing that their claim that BTG is Saudi Arabia and Mecca is very wrong.
Finally, God has revealed to many people that Obama is the antichrist, so I researched and put together all the evidence I could find that points to him being the Antichrist. You will be surprised at how well The Final Antichrist, fits with The Fall of Babylon. I include many prophecies, dreams, and visions about him as the antichrist, and how he will come back into power in the USA again.
This entire book has been revised, with a few additional prophecies and information; but a whole new chapter for 2023 introduces the Global DeepState and how it is even now trying to take over the world (along with the US DeepState). But WW3 and natural disasters will destroy it all.